The Three Causes of Misalignments: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins

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D.D. Palmer, considered to be the father of chiropractic, first explored the basics of what he believed to be the main cause of spinal subluxations. Spinal subluxations, also called misalignments, are when vertebrae of the spine are out of place or not in proper alignment.  The majority of spinal subluxation causes can fall into three categories, known as the three Ts: thoughts, traumas, and toxins.  Thankfully, each of these things can be alleviated through chiropractic care.


You may be wondering what exactly our thoughts have to do with the spine.  When we have emotional and mental stress, our thoughts can put our body into the “fight or flight” mode, which is meant to protect us.  Stressful, fearful, angry, and negative thoughts will do this, sending out signals that our body responds to, causing stress and dysfunction in the spine and other areas of the body. This physical stress can also cause us to hold ourselves differently, which can bring about physical changes to our spine.


Out of all three categories, trauma is probably the easiest to understand.  It makes sense that physical traumas of any kind can cause spinal misalignments.  For instance, falls of any kind, sports injuries, playground injuries, or any other trauma can affect spinal alignments.  Repetitive trauma also falls into this category. This involves moving your body or part of your body in the same way over and over, or can even include maintaining a specific posture or position that negatively impacts your body. When this happens, the body will go into “fix it” mode and overcompensate in other areas that can lead to muscle tightness and pain. 


Chemicals in the body can also cause stress to the body which in turn leads to misalignments.  Muscles and bones don’t move unless nerves tell them to.  When harmful toxins are the body, nerves fight back by telling other parts of the body to react, such as muscles.  As they prepare to defend the body, they tighten up, which can cause harmful spinal misalignments. Toxins come from what we put in and on our body, such as lotions, cosmetic products, food, and beverages.

Combat the Three Ts with Chiropractic Care

No matter what specific area of concern you may be dealing with, whether it be trauma, toxins, or thoughts, a Des Moines chiropractor can help.  Dr. Paige Roth of True Roots Chiropractic practices neurologically-based chiropractic care.  This means she specifically searches for spinal misalignments, corrects them with gentle adjustments in the form of chiropractic care, and restores proper function of the central nervous system.  Because the brain and spine are the center of the central nervous system, ensuring they are in proper balance means that our body can be properly balanced to handle whatever comes our way, whether it be stress on the body, stress in our thinking, or stress on our system from unwanted toxins.  Contact True Roots Chiropractic to see for yourself how chiropractic care can enhance healing and give your body a healthy balance.

Paige Roth